Possible Internship Opportunity
I spent Shabbos with the Shamouilian's in Modi'in. I enjoyed it immensely. Aside from the fabulous food and comfortable quarters, they both majored in math and know the tech world well, so we had what to talk about. I can now move into the new JCT dorms. After weeks of being told that "you can move in tomorrow," today is the day where they weren't wrong. I suppose that if you predict something enough times you're bound to be right eventually. I should clarify that the dorm situation is not due to bad management on the college's end. As you might have guessed, obtaining the necessary permits from unhelpful bureaucrats is an experience that makes you wonder how on earth these creatures managed to send people to the moon. Last week, I met with the head of the international program about double majoring. He suggested that we look into getting some sort of internship (which is usually exclusive to 2nd and 3rd year students) in addition to taking just a few business classes. Gaining real-world experience in a start-up company is not just valuable for acquiring technical skills, it will be a great opportunity to work with others on a large project, something I seldom did in high school. This would be the best of both worlds; I get to take only the interesting/valuable business courses and I have the rare opportunity of interning in my first year. While this is not finalized in any way, I and many others are working on materializing this plan. I'm very grateful to the staff at JCT, who have been nothing but kind, helpful, and accommodating. Today I went to Ramat Beit Shemesh for an orthodontist appointment. I had dinner with a good friend of mine from Baltimore, Yishai Eagle, who is currently studying in Ramat Beit Shemesh (see picture). One of my classes, Digital Systems, has started to become challenging (for those not clear, this is excellent). We're learning about different logic gates and how to represent them using boolean algebra, which is something that I was completely unfamiliar with. What's difficult about it is that you have to forget everything you've previously learned about math. 1+1 does not make 2 (in fact, 2 is a meaningless term in boolean algebra), it makes 1. Multiplication AND addition have the distributive property such that a + (bc) = (a+b)(a+c). Once you satisfy yourself that this does indeed make sense, you are left with the ominous task of switching between these contradictory sets of rules. It's wonderful to be in a class again where I can't program or work on something else and still be certain that I understand what's being taught. I am hopeful that in time all of my classes will be as demanding. Update about the site: I've received quite a few emails about not knowing when to check this website. I am currently working on some sort of notification system that you can expect to be in place within a week or so. While it's simple in theory to create a notification system (I wrote all the necessary code already), getting emails to be sent through the Namecheap server (which is where this website is hosted) is a very irritating task. There is probably some configuration setting I need to change that I'm not aware of. Namecheap has excellent customer service, so when I have an hour or two I'll get in touch with them and they'll help make the necessary changes.